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In 2016, scientists announced that the hole in ozone layer has shrunk by 1.7 million square miles and that by the year 2050 it would be completely covered. This piece of good news indicated a huge success and served as clear evidence that through collective effort and sustainable pro-environment legislation, pollution levels could be kept in check. Nevertheless, the shrinkage of the hole in the ozone layer does not mean that climate change and environmental decline halted. Unfortunately, they are at an all time high. The latest findings reveal that Greenland ice is melting at alarming levels and environmental groups point out that wildlife protection should be a given higher priority. In light of the fact that certain world powers have reduced funding for climate change research even downright denied its existence, the average responsible citizen wonders what can be done at a personal level and why such a small effort matters at all. The good news is that it does. If everyone made a few lifestyle changes, the results would be visible in a couple of years. All the overwhelming evidence for environmental decline might be discouraging, but it is never too late to take action and get involved in saving the planet, one small change at a time.  

Reduce the carbon footprint

One of the main causes of global warming is that we emit too many gases responsible for the greenhouse effect. Not only do these decrease air quality, but also lead to a rise in temperature levels. So, what can you do to reduce your carbon footprint?

Energy efficient appliances

Our modern existence relies of electrical appliances and giving them all up would be drastic and unpractical. Fortunately, you don’t have to, because quality standards have changed and there is a huge difference between what our parents used and what we use now. Today’s appliances are made with eco-friendliness in mind and they cause less emissions that older ones. So, if you are still using an old fridge, cooker or heater, consider replacing it with one that has A+ energy efficiency. It works better, consumes less electricity and helps the planet in the long run.

Insulate your home to reduce energy consumption

Paying thousands for high-end appliances is of no help for the planet if they work 24/7. Insulation can help change that. Experts at gni.ca inform homeowners that a well insulated house locks in heat, which increases home comfort and reduces the need for electrical appliances. Uninsulated houses have small cracks around windows and doors, sometimes even in the roof or in the attic and heat exchange occurs through those cracks which might not even be observed with the naked eye. As a result, you can never get the right temperature; it’s too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, so some kind of HVAC appliance must always be turned on. This increases energy bills and releases many emissions into the air. But, if you insulate your house, this transfer no longer occurs. You can have a comfortable temperature all year round and only turn on appliances every once in a while.

Managing waste and pollution

Waste and pollution are very dangerous for the ecosystem and can cause the extinction of many endangered species. Although you might not be aware, some modern products and habits can increase waste and pollution, so here’s what you can do.

Use less harsh chemicals

Everyday things such as window cleaner and detergent can cause pollution if they are made using toxic or harsh chemicals, so you should try and switch to gentler formulas where possible. eco-friendly products are less readily available, but the search is worth it. If saving the planet is not a good enough incentive, then keep in mind that harsh chemicals are equally harmful for your health. For example, the innocent looking beaded face scrub can end up in the sea and back into our plates if we eat seafood.

Reuse & recycle

The amount of toxic waste that humans produce is incredible and there have never been more awareness campaigns for recycling. Instead of using one trash can for everything, use several smaller ones and sort your trash based on its type. Dispose of waste responsibly and always call your local recycling service to get rid of broken or old appliances. Last, but not least, re-use when possible and encourage the entire family to embrace upcycling rather than consumerism.

Entries in this blog

Green remodelling: 4 trends to follow for a sustainable remodel

Sustainability has quickly become one of the more important topics for both builders and homeowners embarking on new projects. As we know it - sustainability works to accomplish a few yet very essential things, such as avoiding the depletion of natural resources, as well as the ability for the home to maintain itself long term. And it comes as no wonder why sustainable homes became so attractive to many people – with the energy costs on the rise, creating a more sustainable home is desirable to

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison in Green remodelling

Green Renovation - How to sustainably remodel your home?

Sustainability has already become a trend in home renovation, and there is no wonder why. As more people become enthusiastic about the eco-friendly way of life, sustainable innovations upsurge and become even more accessible for those in need to create a more sustainable home for themselves. When thinking about sustainability, trending items aren’t just about what is trendy; it’s also about which are doing the most for the environment. With that in mind, when we renovate or build our h

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Green Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Small Business

Top companies in nearly every industry- even those from the fossil fuel industry- have recently agreed on their “environmental commitment” as a new selling point for consumers who are becoming progressively troubled about their individual contributions to the deterioration of our natural environment. Environmental awareness is on the rise, and this is only the beginning. Eco-friendly businesses are rapidly becoming industry leaders, and as more individuals become aware of our terrible envir

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

6 Climate Change and Sustainability Speakers You Should Know About

From rising sea levels, extreme weather conditions and greenhouse gases, today’s climate change speakers ask hard questions. How will all these changes affect species across the globe and communities? And, most importantly how much time do we have to change our ways? Around the globe environmental speakers and young people are mobilizing to demand greater action on environmental issues.  More than a million young people have tuned out for global strikes that are also driving home the links

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Hydrogen has its rightful place in the sustainable economy

Heat coming from electricity is wasteful, not to mention expensive. Given businesses’ heightened appetite for generating energy, an alternative solution needs to be found. Energy conservation goes hand in hand with CO2 emission reduction. To be more precise, energy efficiency can cut greenhouse gas emissions by half, which in turn plays a major role in restricting global warming. Hydrogen is largely considered to be the best solution in terms of heating. It can be combusted into hydrogen burners

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Sustainability stories that kept the front page in 2019

People feel more and more determined to go green because they are aware it's their role to change the world, they're living in. Pollution and climate change triggered some extreme, tragic events that destroyed both life and nature. From record heat in Europe to floods in the USA and fires in Australia, they are all consequences of human actions. It's shocking to find out that a small choice you make in your everyday life can trigger a chain of reactions and lead the planet a step closer to colla

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Eating smart: How to keep yourself healthy while in isolation

Proper nutrition is essential, especially in times when our immune system should be the highest priority. However, while many things might seem to be way beyond our control right now, the way we eat really is not. Indeed, comfort food is all we crave in times like, but a well-balanced meal should also be an integral part of your equation. While in lockdown, you might be tempted to rely on an abundance of food delivery services and even skip important meals, thus, ignoring how you eat, what,

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Green Travel - how to become a responsible ecotoursit

Traveling far and wide has never been easier. When the urge to wander kicks in, you can now hop on a plane and the next thing you know you’re miles away from civilization and life as you know it. Maybe you’ll have to change a few transport means in between, but eventually you’re going to reach your destination. We’ve all become modern day explorers and there’s not much this planet can hide from us anymore.  Let’s take a look at some numbers to put things into perspective. The total contribu

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

The economic, environmental, and social impact of green buildings

According to NASA, 800 million people are vulnerable to droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events caused by climate change. At the same time, carbon dioxide emissions are at an all-time high and rising temperatures endanger the polar ice cap every year. The time to act is now and everyone from governments to businesses and homeowners needs to make a change and embrace more sustainable alternatives. The measures required to protect the planet are, of course, extensive, and more than one

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Millions of Trees Are Dying Around the World And No One Else Is Taking Notice

Is it time to panic? Well, taking into consideration that a great many trees are dying all around the world and aren’t being replaced, it’s safe to say that we’ve got a crisis situation. Up to 90 percent of the saplings planted in Turkey across its 81 provinces died only after a couple of months. And let’s not forget about the dreadful Australian bushfires. The mixture of rising heat and drier weather left trees to ignite near some of the most densely populated areas of the country. 

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Sustainable marketing: How to promote your green business identity

Have a green business? Why not tell the world about how you support our Mother Earth with your green practices? In fact, you may be the example that motivates other entrepreneurs to go green too. Promoting a green business is pretty much like promoting any other kind of business. The only difference is that your marketing strategies seem a little bit more narrow. And, this may sound a little intimidating.  Yet, let us tell you that sustainable branding is gaining momentum these days. T

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Essential Environmental Documentaries You Shouldn’t Miss

After numerous events have proven to be a result of climate change, people keep underestimating the effects we have on the environment. It’s important to raise awareness toward the possible dangers, a reason why environmental documentaries are considered to be a great manner to teach people from all walks of life how important a change in our lifestyle could be. We encourage space exploration and new technological developments, but what’s troublesome is how we ignore our environmental problems h

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

4 Energy-Efficient Improvements to Make in Your Home

Because the energy costs keep rising, you might be looking for ways to be more energy-efficient without causing a hole in your budget this winter. Before throwing yourself on unplanned investments consider getting a quick energy assessment so you can determine how much energy your house uses. This small assessment will include an energy rating that indicates how energy-efficient is your home and what upgrades you could choose. These upgrades might prove essential for your home and family and mor

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Sustainable business guidelines – it’s the moment to build an eco-friendly brand

Business growth requires a long-term vision… If you decided to start a business, you’re probably a risk taker. You assessed the business industry and when you identified a solution to a problem, you decided to establish a business that delivers that solution. You work hard to deliver top-notch services on the market, but in your haste to identify business opportunities you may forget to establish a long-term vision. You are a well-intentioned business manager, but you may

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

6 Essential Ways to Reduce Air Pollution

As we know, pollution has an enormous impact on our health. The amount of toxic matter in the air we breathe, the organic pollutants and heavy metals we ingest from our daily supply of water and food are damaging for millions of lives every year. There is a reason to be worried. An unhealthy environment causes annually diseases like heart conditions, chronic respiratory disease and stroke. These are all the products of air pollution.  There are solutions, and each individual has the power t

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

The fantastic benefits of buying an eco-friendly house

Going eco-friendly seems to be the next big trend. Big companies, small businesses and individuals altogether have teamed up to reduce the impact that human life has on the planet. Sustainable homes have increased in popularity, not only because they leave a much smaller footprint on the environment, but because they are a far better investment in the long run. The list of benefits you get by living in a green house is long and constantly updated, but the most important ones still remain

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Environmental pollution control measures businesses should undertake

When heavy toxic metals build up in the air, water, and land, it’s more difficult for the contaminated site to support life. Environmental pollution is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. It’s a problem that affects both developing countries and not only. Even if developed countries have the necessary resources and technology to combat the introduction of harmful or poisonous substances into the environment, they prefer to encourage over-energy consumption, waste and ineffici

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Safety checklist for companies – how to boost workplace safety and health

In 2018, the cost of work-related illness and injuries reached around $70 billion, according to the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index. Workplace injuries can cost businesses more than $15 billion a year, and considering that the employers are the ones that pay all these expenses, appropriate workplace safety measures are necessary. The Health and Safety Regulations require all companies to have an effective health and safety program that prevents and minimises injuries and illness in

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Is becoming a paramedic the right career choice for you?

When the time comes to finally decide what career to pursue, you might confront yourself with various challenges. Considering you have all the options in the world, and the choice you’ll be making will influence other areas in your life, it’s important to acknowledge all the benefits and drawbacks of one profession or another. If you’ve always imaged yourself part of the medical field, you’ve probably started researching the possibilities you have in this particular domain. If you want t

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Raising capital for a green business – what options haven’t you considered?

With awareness increasing around the topic of sustainability, more organizations have appeared that are focused on green practices. If you are currently thinking about opening your own business, one that benefits from eco-friendly characteristics, the main issue that is probably holding you back is lack of capital. Getting the necessary funding isn’t an easy process, considering you are competing against numerous other entrepreneurs with the same financial needs. If you believe you have a solid

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Remodelling your house in a sustainable way – what does it take?

If you have decided to remodel your house, you probably know that a shift is taking place in the remodelling industry. Eco-friendly renovations were too expensive in the past, for homeowners to consider them an option, but nowadays they come at a more affordable price, so they’ve become a trend. Green remodelling is not a trend only because the cost of the project is more affordable, but also because nowadays homeowners are more concerned with the way they affect the planet. By deciding t

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

How to Deal with Contaminated Soil

Plots of land where nothing has previously been developed on are quite rare these days, especially in urban areas. No matter if the land is purchased for farming or house building, checking the soil for contamination is extremely important, in order to avoid hazardous chemicals from coming in contact with anything that’s being developed on in or in the nearby sites. Up until recent years, environmental laws were more relaxed and it was not uncommon for waste was dumped close to where the

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Why does Stockholm excel at being a sustainable city?

When we are speaking about the cities of the future, we are speaking of green cities, cities that have directed their efforts to transform into sustainable spaces. When referring to these cities we often call them smart cities, and Stockholm can be described as a smart city because it became a green city with the help of the funds it received from the EU. Stockholm is considered a lighthouse city in Europe, together with Cologne and Barcelona meaning that other cities and countries should follow

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

How can manufacturers reduce waste in their companies?

Every year, companies generate billions of tons of industrial waste. Manufacturing waste is generated in just about any plant, which is why it is crucial for organizations to establish practices to minimise the generation of by-products. Types of industrial waste include but are not limited to dirt, scrap metal, trees, trash, oil, and chemicals, and solvents. Waste represents an environmental issue. Nevertheless, it is a tremendous economic loss. How can waste be part of the economy? Simple. It

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Environmental Awareness Builds Strong Businesses, But Why?

Green brands are thriving. But why? Well, when it comes to customers, they consider many variables when they decide to shop from a company or not. And lately, as environmental concerns increased in importance and mediatization, they try to find more products and services coming from companies with strong green values. In this day and time, the general awareness of environmental issues and the continuous search of the wide audience for better, less polluting and less damaging products and

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