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Some steps to becoming an artist

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"I don't say everything, but I paint everything.” -Pablo Picasso

Right now, there are a lot of art enthusiasts and dealers who are earning a decent sum of money by purchasing and selling 19th Century American Art. If you are aspiring to dive into this market as a newbie artist there are a few things that you will need to be aware of prior.

The first and the most important aspect you will need if you are aspiring to be an artist is a steady hand. It’s something that can be taught but usually this is a god given talent so even if you have the passion, vision and drive, you still need that steadiness. By steady hands, I mean fingers that do not tremble or shake and can hold a pencil or a brush with confidence and strength. Steady hands also mean those hands that do not slip easily or fingers that are flexible. As an artist, your fingers and hands are as important to you as legs are to a runner.

Second, is patience. Amateur artists cannot or should not make art in an hour. Even for the simplest of art, an amateur must be willing to spend hours, days or even months to turn out a masterpiece that looks appealing, intriguing, and fascinating, not only to an art enthusiasts but to the common public as well. Art should appease the soul and the minds of its viewers and it should help a person journey into their mind for imaginative interpretation.

Third, have you ever heard the term “a starving artist”? Now this might seem a little harsh but becoming an artist won’t pay the bills right away and that old saying is absolutely the truth. It’s extremely rare that developing artist make a full-time wage. It takes years of building a reputation, a style, a loyal following. Almost every professional artists will attest to this, as they all have spent a lot of their time making art for no returns. However, if you do make it as a artist, you’re previous works from early years can start to fetch a higher price. It’s very important to get recognition first. After recognition, you’ll start attracting enthusiast and then you just might be able to make a sales. However, it might take years for you to be a well-recognized artist.

The fourth aspect to keep in mind before embarking into the world of professional artist is education. Take classes, find a mentor, develop a network so that you are able to know all the basics of art before you actually start to make a career out of it. There are some basics to art and it is important for any artist to know them all before creating their very own unique style.

If you are able to follow these guidelines properly and effectively, it will not be long before you can start calling yourself a true artist. It is important to not only follow these guidelines to follow them properly and exactly.



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