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  13. Today I bought a coupon with which I will neutralize 4 tons a year for the next four years... I am wondering if anyone has already thought in this direction, and if you have ever heard anything about it??? It cost me 500€, I mean I wanted to at least neutralize my footprint a little and help the planet. Yes, I paid for a coupon for a project that will produce 30gw daily and store 20gw of electricity, The coupon is supposed to be from saved emissions, and it would save an additional emission from the production of thermal energy from circular economy, Electricity only for households is supposed to cost only 0.05c per kwh and it is supposed to show solidarity with people in the event that they recycle and they use local transport most of the time, It is supposed to change the lives of three million people and show that it is possible to save the planet, it is supposed to be a test on a larger scale, for decades the motto has been that it won't happen today, but maybe it will tomorrow.... That's why I bought the coupon, because if the project succeeds, there will probably be a big change among people, so that something can really change together, Before it really is too late for all of us.
  14. Despite the current bleak economic situation, the number of bicycles sold in Germany continued to grow last year, new market data from the German bicycle association (ZIV) shows. And for the first time ever, the sale of electric bikes, also known as e-bikes, has surpassed regular bikes in the country. In 2023, electric bicycles accounted for 53% of total bicycle sales. The average cost of these e-bikes saw an increase, climbing from €2,600 in 2020 to €2,950 in the previous year. With 2.1 million e-bikes sold compared to 1.9 million conventional bicycles, this reflects a significant trend in one of Europe’s key bicycle markets. "The rising mobility, energy, rent and living costs, coupled with a growing environmental and health awareness, are conditions that boost the popularity of bicycles and e-bikes – both now and undoubtedly also in the future," says ZIV CEO Burkhard Stork. This is good news and hopefully this trend continues and spreads throughout Europe so that policymakers starts to treat bikes as a serious and important transportation mode. Have you purchased a new bike recently - and was it perhaps an e-bike?
  15. Simon

    Best Renewable energy system?

    Good summary of various energy sources, except nuclear energy is not really "renewable" energy. And I doubt @Sami Hadi can install it at home.
  16. digitalthinkerhelp

    How to make your garden more eco-friendly?

    To make your garden more eco-friendly, consider implementing the following sustainable practices: Water Conservation: Use water wisely by incorporating practices like monitoring the weather forecast to avoid unnecessary watering, utilizing rain barrels to collect and store rainwater, applying organic mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds, installing rain sensors on irrigation systems, and opting for drought-resistant and native plant species that require minimal water. Reduce the Use of Harmful Chemicals: Avoid harmful chemicals by using eco-friendly alternatives for pest and weed control. Examples include using neem oil for pest treatment, mixing blood and bone meal into the soil as a natural deterrent, encouraging natural predators like ladybugs, praying mantises, and spiders, practicing companion planting to deter pests naturally, and rotating crops to disrupt pest life cycles. Waste Less Water: Reduce water waste by watering efficiently, using rain gauges to measure rainfall, opting for hoses or drip irrigation systems over sprinklers to minimize water loss, collecting seeds for regrowth in subsequent seasons, mulching garden beds to regulate temperature and retain moisture, setting up rain barrel systems for water collection, and controlling runoff. Use Less Energy: Minimize outdoor energy use by choosing energy-efficient gardening practices such as using solar-powered lights or tools, reducing reliance on power equipment where possible, and opting for manual tools or renewable energy sources in the garden. Choose Appropriate Plants: Select plants that are well-suited to your local climate and soil conditions to reduce water usage and maintenance requirements. Planting native species can also support local ecosystems by attracting beneficial wildlife and pollinators. Mulch Your Gardens: Mulching is essential for maintaining a healthy garden by regulating temperature, retaining moisture, suppressing weeds, preventing erosion, and reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides. Adding organic mulch around plants can significantly improve soil health and sustainability. Keep Learning: Stay informed about sustainable gardening practices by continuing to research new methods that can positively impact your garden's environmental footprint. Embracing new discoveries and techniques can help you maintain a healthy and sustainable garden ecosystem.
  17. digitalthinkerhelp

    Is It Possible to Sell Plant Waste for Money?

    Yes! It is possible to sell plant waste for money, as highlighted in various sources discussing the business opportunities related to waste products like compost, manure, and soil. Selling plant waste, such as composted material, manure, or soil enriched with nutrients, can be a profitable venture for farmers, gardeners, and businesses involved in waste management. By converting plant waste into valuable products like fertilizer, compost, or soil amendments, individuals can generate income by selling these products to farms, individuals for gardening, landscaping, or even to local businesses. The process of turning plant waste into marketable products involves composting, creating high-quality compost, and meeting the demand for organic fertilizers and soil enhancers in the agricultural and gardening sectors. Additionally, selling plant waste products like compost or manure to local farms, landscaping projects, or directly to consumers can be a sustainable and lucrative business opportunity, contributing to both environmental sustainability and economic viability.
  18. digitalthinkerhelp

    Japanese wooden satellite to tackle space debris

    The Japanese wooden satellite project aims to address the growing concerns of space debris by introducing satellites made of wood. These wooden satellites, such as the LignoSat, are designed to burn up completely upon reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, unlike metal satellites that can release harmful substances and debris. The use of wood in satellites is seen as a more environmentally friendly option that could help reduce the impact of space junk on Earth and in orbit. Researchers have conducted tests on different types of wood, including magnolia, cherry, and birch, to assess their resilience in space conditions. The project involves collaboration between Kyoto University, Sumitomo Forestry, Japan's space agency (JAXA), and NASA, with plans to launch the wooden satellite into orbit in the near future. The potential benefits of wooden satellites include their biodegradability and lower environmental impact compared to traditional metal satellites, offering a novel approach to space technology that prioritizes sustainability and safety.
  19. digitalthinkerhelp

    How green is nuclear power?

    Nuclear power is a complex topic when it comes to its environmental impact. While nuclear power is considered a low-carbon energy source that can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, there are significant concerns regarding its overall "greenness." The full life cycle of nuclear energy includes issues such as resource extraction, waste production, and safety risks that need to be considered when evaluating its environmental sustainability. Nuclear power is often classified as environmentally sustainable due to its low carbon emissions during electricity generation. However, the construction phase, resource extraction (such as uranium mining), waste production, and safety risks associated with nuclear power plants raise environmental concerns. The management of radioactive waste, the potential for accidents, and the environmental impact of the nuclear fuel cycle are critical factors to consider when assessing the overall "greenness" of nuclear power. While nuclear energy can provide low-carbon electricity, the challenges of waste disposal, resource scarcity (e.g., uranium-235), and safety risks must be addressed to ensure its environmental sustainability. The debate around nuclear power's environmental impact continues, with proponents highlighting its low-carbon benefits and critics emphasizing the risks and challenges associated with its full life cycle.
  20. digitalthinkerhelp

    Best Renewable energy system?

    The best renewable energy systems include wind power, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, nuclear power, and solar power. Wind power is considered the most efficient renewable energy source that is followed by geothermal, hydro, nuclear, and solar energy. Wind energy is highly efficient, with wind turbines being able to generate electricity in open areas, making up a significant portion of US electrical production potential by 2050. Geothermal energy is reliable and consistent, providing a predictable power source with lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuel power plants. Hydroelectricity, harnessed from falling or flowing water, is a mature technology with predictable energy generation and additional recreational benefits from dam reservoirs. Nuclear power, although controversial, is also efficient in terms of energy production. Solar power, while widely accessible on a consumer scale, is another key renewable energy source contributing to the clean energy revolution.
  21. An early plan for long-term burial of spent nuclear fuel was to put it in the Arctic since the ice was "permanent". That might have seemed like a good idea back at the time. But now climate change may unearth it. This article highlights the potential impact of climate change on radioactive contamination from American nuclear tests conducted after World War II. As temperatures rise and ice sheets melt, the legacy of nuclear activity may resurface, posing environmental risks in various countries. Read it: https://www.iflscience.com/the-us-left-nuclear-waste-around-the-world-now-climate-change-may-unearth-it-73226
  22. The oil industry MUST keep producing more and more plastic. They are in a losing game. Given the steady shift toward renewable energy, it's their only sure way to keep making billions of dollars in profits. All of these plastic... It is truly horrifying. Everywhere we go, everywhere we look, plastic confronts us and surrounds us. It's even in the food we eat, and now inside our bodies. Many people might assume that it's always been like this. But it hasn't. Just a couple of decades ago food was packed in a variety of materials. We don't need plastic!
  23. I keep hearing them yell at us: "Stop being a doomer! You have to give people hope!" To which I respond with what Greta Thunberg says: "I don't want your hope. I don't want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act!" Along those lines, I strongly recommend this thought-provoking essay in which climate campaigner Jonathon Porritt highlights a concerning trend among mainstream climate scientists: by perpetually emphasizing positivity and hope, they inadvertently risk assuming the role of the new climate deniers. Here is a brief summary: 1. The speed with which the climate is now changing is faster than (almost) all scientists thought possible. 2. There is now zero prospect of holding the average temperature increase this century to below 1.5°C; even 2°C is beginning to slip out of reach. The vast majority of climate scientists know this, but rarely if ever give voice to this critically important reality. 3. At the same time, the vast majority of people still haven’t a clue about what’s going on – and what this means for them and everything they hold dear. 4. The current backlash against existing (already wholly inadequate) climate measures is also accelerating – and will cause considerable political damage in 2024. Those driving this backlash represent the same old climate denial that has been so damaging over so many years. 5. The science-based institutions on which we depend to address this crisis have comprehensively failed us. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is incapable of telling the whole truth about accelerating climate change; the Conference of the Parties (under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) has been co-opted by the fossil fuel lobby to the point of total corruption. 6. By not calling out these incontrovertible realities, mainstream scientists are at risk of becoming the new climate deniers. Read it here: https://www.jonathonporritt.com/mainstream-climate-science-the-new-denialism/
  24. As the world grapples with issues like climate change, deforestation, and habitat loss, planting trees emerges as a practical and effective solution to mitigate these problems. This article delves into the significance of tree plantation and its multifaceted benefits. First and foremost, trees are indispensable in maintaining the ecological balance of our planet. They act as natural air filters, absorbing harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. This oxygen is essential for all living beings, including humans, and helps in purifying the air we breathe. Furthermore, trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. By absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, trees help in reducing the overall concentration of greenhouse gases and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change. Moreover, tree plantation is instrumental in preventing soil erosion and conserving water resources. The roots of trees bind the soil together, thereby preventing erosion caused by wind and water. This is particularly important in regions prone to soil degradation and desertification. Additionally, trees play a vital role in regulating the water cycle by absorbing water from the soil and releasing it into the atmosphere through a process known as transpiration. This process helps in maintaining adequate moisture levels in the soil and preventing water runoff, thus contributing to groundwater recharge and sustainable water management. Furthermore, trees provide invaluable ecosystem services and support biodiversity conservation. Forests serve as habitats for numerous plant and animal species, playing a crucial role in supporting diverse ecosystems. By planting trees, we can create and restore habitats for wildlife, thereby promoting biodiversity conservation. In addition, trees provide food and shelter for various organisms, contributing to the overall health and resilience of ecosystems. Another significant benefit of tree plantation is its contribution to enhancing the quality of life for human communities. Trees have been shown to have a positive impact on mental and physical health, with studies indicating that exposure to green spaces can reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Urban tree planting initiatives can help in creating green spaces in cities, providing recreational opportunities for residents and improving the aesthetic appeal of urban areas. Additionally, trees can help in mitigating the urban heat island effect by providing shade and reducing temperatures in urban environments. In conclusion, tree plantation is a critical component of efforts aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and addressing various ecological challenges. From mitigating climate change to conserving biodiversity and improving human well-being, the benefits of planting trees are numerous and far-reaching. It is essential for individuals, communities, and governments to prioritize tree plantation initiatives and work together towards creating a greener and healthier planet for present and future generations. By harnessing the power of tree plantation, we can make significant strides towards achieving a more sustainable and resilient world.
  25. Yes, the LignoSat satellite is approximately the size of a coffee mug. I wonder if they will make bigger wooden satellites if this one is successful?
  26. Unfortunately yes, so it seems. That's why we should try to avoid single-use plastics as much as we can and - I can't stress this enough - still recycle the plastics that we do use. That is still much better than to just give up and throw it away. Remember the 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
  27. So the only real negative aspect of plant based alternatives are that they probably contain too much salt. No big deal imho.
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